CTP Insurer Claims Experience and Customer Feedback Comparison - Sept 2022

7. What happened when customers disagreed with the insurer’s decision?

Customers who disagree with the insurer’s decision can ask for a review. The decision will be reconsidered by the insurer’s internal review team, who did not take part in making the original decision. Insurers accepted most applications for internal reviews. However, some applications were declined because:

  • the request was submitted late, and the customer did not respond to requests for reasons why it was submitted late, or
  • the insurer determined it did not have the jurisdiction to conduct an internal review of that decision.

Customers sometimes also withdraw their application for an internal review.

Internal reviews by insurers and status (%)

Legend for pie charts. Light blue = % withdrawn, orange = % in progress, dark blue = % determined, red = % declined.

Totals 2022 vs 2021

The number of internal review requests received by insurers depends on how many claims they are managing. Insurers with more claims are more likely to receive a greater number of internal reviews. By measuring internal reviews per 100 claims, SIRA can compare insurers’ performance regardless of their market share. The base for calculating this ratio is the number of open claims at the start of the reporting period, plus all claims lodged during the reporting period.