
Connect2work is a voluntary short-term work placement with a host employer. It supports recovery at work for workers where:

  • your pre-injury employer is unable to offer suitable work due to or
  • you are looking for new employment.

How does it work?

Connect2work places you (the trainee) with a host employer for a voluntary short-term work placement of up to 12 weeks.

The insurer provides the host employer with an assistance payment of $200 per week for a combined total of up to 12 weeks (to a maximum amount of $2,400) to cover any out of pocket expenses to provide you with on the job training and support.

As a trainee you can keep active and continue your recovery through work by enabling you to increase your tasks and capacity for work.

The host employer does not pay you during the placement. If you are entitled, you will continue to receive weekly payments from the insurer during the Connect2work placement.

You will also receive payment for travel to and from the workplace as well as essential equipment to perform the duties.

Read the Connect2work guidance material for more information.

The Connect2work information for workers and employers can be used to help a worker find host placement opportunity.

For more information about work trial read the Work trial guidance material.

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