Appendix 1: Context and relevant provisions - Standard 28 - Interpreter services

Standard 28 - Interpreter services

Appropriate use of interpreters ensures equitable services for workers whose first language is not English or who are hearing-impaired.

To ensure equal access to services for which workers are eligible, an insurer is required to engage appropriately qualified interpreter services in the worker’s nominated language, dialect (and gender, where requested).

Workers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds may face additional difficulties in navigating the workers compensation system. Being injured at work and making a claim for workers compensation may involve new and unfamiliar concepts that are compounded if English is not the worker’s first language.

The appropriate use of interpreters enables an equitable service and experience for workers where English is not their first language. The use of an independent qualified interpreter also allows for impartial and confidential communications to a worker.

Workers who require Auslan interpretation are also covered by this Standard of practice.

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