Gordian RunOff Limited applies for a specialised insurer licence

Gordian RunOff Limited (Gordian) (ABN 11 052 179 647) has applied to the State Insurance Regulatory Authority for a specialised insurer licence.

Gordian is an APRA regulated entity which is licensed to run-off previous underwritten business only. If granted, the specialised insurer licence would limit Gordian to performing run off claims management of policies where the Federal Court of Australia confirms the transfer of a former insurer’s portfolio to Gordian.

It is noted that Gordian currently manage the run-off of claims of previous NSW Workers compensation insurers under the 1926 Act.

Submissions are invited from interested stakeholders regarding Gordian’s specialised insurer licence application. Submissions are due by close of business, 23 September 2021.

Please email your submission to [email protected]

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