S8. Insurer making weekly payments

Commencement date: 21 October 2019

All stakeholders should be kept informed where weekly payments need to be processed directly by the insurer to the worker. This will ensure the worker receives ongoing and timely support and the employer is informed of their ongoing obligations and responsibilities.


The rights and responsibilities of all parties will be respected in circumstances where weekly payments will be made by the insurer.


Before commencing weekly payments directly to a worker, the insurer is to consult with the employer and advise that claims costs will continue to accrue.

Evidence on claim file


As soon as possible after deciding to commence making weekly payments directly to the worker, the insurer is to:

  • request the worker complete an Australian Taxation Office tax file number declaration form, and
  • arrange for tax to be paid on behalf of the worker.

Request made within five working days after the insurer's decision to commence payments


The insurer is to advise the worker and employer as soon as practicable after commencing weekly payments directly to the worker.

Written advice to the worker and employer within five working days after commencing payments

Weekly payment of compensation to workers may be made by the employer or the insurer.

All stakeholders should be kept informed in cases where it is necessary for weekly payments to be processed directly by the insurer to the worker, to ensure the worker receives ongoing and timely support.

Insurers are responsible for ensuring workers receive correct weekly payments in a timely manner. In most cases the worker is paid by the employer. In some instances, it is appropriate for the insurer to make payments directly to the worker.

In instances where it is appropriate that weekly payments be processed directly by the insurer to the worker, it is important to ensure that key stakeholders are kept informed of claim progress and remain aware of their obligations and responsibilities.
