S18. Retiring age notification

Commencement date: 21 October 2019

Providing early notification prior to cessation of weekly payments helps to ensure that workers have sufficient time to prepare for cessation and make any necessary arrangements.


Workers affected by the 12-month limit to weekly payments after a worker reaches retirement age will be provided with appropriate notice prior to the cessation of weekly payments.


Insurers are to provide written notification to a worker before ceasing weekly entitlements 12 months after a worker reaches retirement age and must include:

  • the date on which payments will cease and the date the last payment will be processed
  • the date on which entitlement to medical benefits will cease, and
  • who to contact for further information (including the IRO).

Notification provided at least 13 weeks before cessation of weekly payments

Workers can receive weekly payments up until the one-year anniversary of reaching retiring age.

Workers injured after retiring age are limited to weekly payments for up until 12 months after the date of first incapacity.

The insurer is required to communicate regularly with the worker, employer and other relevant stakeholders throughout the life of the claim. Workers should be provided with appropriate notification prior to the cessation of weekly payments.

Providing early notification prior to cessation of weekly payments helps to ensure that workers have sufficient time to prepare for cessation and make any necessary arrangements.
