Appendix 1: Context and relevant provisions - Standard 12 - Injury management plans

Standard 12 - Injury management plans.

The development of an injury management plan to coordinate and manage the treatment, rehabilitation, and if necessary, retraining of a worker, supports the achievement of a timely, safe and durable return to work.

NSW workers compensation legislation requires the development of an injury management plan when it appears that a workplace injury is a ‘significant injury’ as defined in section 42(1) of the 1998 Act.

An injury management plan is a comprehensive plan for managing a worker’s injury or condition. It provides details on treatment and rehabilitation as well as strategies to support the worker’s recovery at/return to work.

An injury management plan should provide the stakeholders (specifically the worker) with the information they need to understand the direction of injury management and the activities required to help the worker recover at work.

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