Participation of allied health practitioners

In stage two and three reviews, discussion with the treating allied health practitioner is an important part of the independent consultant review process.

Treating practitioners must participate in a verbal discussion with the independent consultant, unless extenuating circumstances prevent them from doing so (for example hearing impairment).  In this situation, alternative communication means are to be used.

The independent consultant review may contain any discussion regarding the assessment, treatment and services relating to the workers compensation claim.

Discussions should be arranged within business hours unless another time is mutually agreed.  Responses to contact made by the independent consultant should be provided by the allied health practitioner within three working days, unless reasonable circumstances prevent contact within this time frame. A mutually convenient time for discussions must be scheduled within two working weeks of the independent consultant’s initial contact.

Non participation in independent consultant reviews by practitioners are required to be reported to SIRA by independent consultants and may impact on a practitioner’s SIRA approval and/or application for re-approval.

SIRA allied health practitioners

SIRA approved allied health practitioners must participate in a review when they are contacted by an independent consultant. SIRA may suspend or revoke its approval of an allied health practitioner if the practitioner fails to cooperate with the independent consultant. Refer to the Guideline for approval of treating allied health practitioners on our website for more information.

Non SIRA approved allied health practitioners

Non SIRA approved allied health practitioners are asked to participate fully in independent consultant reviews when contacted.

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