Whiplash assessment tools

The Guidelines for the management of acute whiplash associated disorders recommend the use of the following assessment tools and outcome measures for the best possible management of adults with a whiplash injury.

4. Assessing pain (VAS)

The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) measures pain intensity. The VAS consists of a 10cm line, with two end points representing 0 (‘no pain’) and 10 (‘pain as bad as it could possibly be’).

Ask the patient to rate their current level of pain by placing a mark on the line. Use a ruler to measure the distance in centimetres from the ‘no pain marker’ (or zero) to the current pain mark. This provides a pain intensity score out of 10; for example, 6 out of 10 (or 6/10).

Recommended action

Provide more concerted treatment or consider earlier referral to a clinician with expertise in the management of whiplash for patients with high pain intensity – e.g. pain greater than 5 out of 10 on the VAS (P1, page 19 guidelines).

Scott, J. and E. Huskisson, Graphic representation of pain. Pain, 1976. 2(2): p. 175-184.

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